We are professionals and associates with a singular shared interest: to make a difference in Africa

Core Team and Advisors

We come with different degrees from top schools and bring excellent track record from leading companies and organizations. But our greatest asset is our fluency with Africa’s challenges and incredible potential, and the shared interest to make a difference.


David is an experienced advisor with a dual background in strategy and finance. Prior to Fluent Africa, David was a Strategy Manager at Simon-Kucher & Partners and MBA Associate at the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group). He holds an MBA with distinction from HEC Paris School of Management.


Dr. Tobi has over 10 years’ experience in organizational transformation, policy and economic/financial analysis on four continents. A former associate at KPMG, Tobi, worked at RAND Corporation, where his PhD focused on techno-economic modelling. He served on the World Energy Council’s Future Energy Leaders Board.


Aramide is a digital media executive, start-up ecosystem builder and women empowerment advocate. She is founder of Naija Startups, a virtual start-up accelerator. Aramide previously worked in IT consulting, marketing and strategy implementation for the financial sector. She holds an MBA from INSEAD.


Joy is an experienced consultant in international development industry. Previously with Goldman Sachs, Joy pioneered a cross-sector partnership between USAID, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Coca Cola Company. She holds a Masters degree from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).


Olayinka (Yinka) is an information systems professional with over two decades experience. Yinka is leading the Sustainable and Inclusive DFS Initiative, and provides evidence-based research for performance and policy. She obtained her PhD from Manchester Business School and an MSc from City University, London.


Martin is an experienced strategy/policy advisor and certified project manager. He has worked extensively in Nigeria and across Africa, advising public institutions, development agencies and private corporations on strategy and execution, capacity building, and organizational effectiveness. Martin was most recently an Associate Partner at Dalberg Advisors, following nearly a decade at Accenture. Martin is a graduate of University of Benin.