We performed a Market Assessment study for a beverage player in the Nigerian market

Case Study

Fluent Africa is an advisory firm that is heads-up and hands-on with Africa


Despite enjoying a good reputation due to key brand benefits of natural sourcing, value-for-money and premium packaging, a beverage maker has begun to lose market share in the face of new competition and shifting consumer habits. Fluent Africa is asked to conduct a market assessment and help to put the bottler back to the path of profitable growth.

We performed a Market Assessment study for a beverage player in the Nigerian market

Our Approach

We adopted a top-down approach where we:
  • Examined the macroeconomic framework for Nigeria, including market sizing.
  • Proposed strategic recommendations after a diagnostic assessment of the industry and the client business.
  • Developed a business plan with assumptions and scenarios to quantify the size of prize and the different growth option.


We developed a successful route to market strategy for the client that was underpinned by identification with the client’s brand, reward mechanisms in the company as well as with wholesaler and retailer channel economics. We modeled business plan scenarios with reasonable key assumptions and for market evolution and capacity increases.